Why Horses?

Tell me more…

Horses have an uncanny ability to illuminate who we are and where we need to go. They understand who we are in our hearts and in our souls. Horses are social animals that act as mirrors and voices of honesty for many common human issues. Horses facilitate self-awareness in deep and profound ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Horses are honest in how they experience us as congruent or incongruent. Because horses have no expectations, prejudices or motives, they offer many opportunities not easily found elsewhere for direct, honest and immediate feedback.

What Horses Teach Us…

  • Decision making
  • Focus ~ don’t get side tracked by distractions
  • Problem solving – find it, assess quickly, no blame, take action
  • Integrity ~ keep it in front of the flanks
  • Influence ~ tested, earned, challenged everyday
  • Healthy Relationships ~After a skirmish go back to grazing side by side

Perspectives on our Program

Want to talk to a former guest of an UnBridled Life event? We have a corral of folks who are happy to share their experiences with you. Click the button below to send us your request.

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth


“Horses teach us a socially intelligent, non predatory approach to leadership, innovation, collaboration and power.”

-Linda Kohanov in Power of the Herd